A DNA Match that seems to be out of reach
Myfanwy Christmas - mystery DNA match to Steve And so it is Christmas so what can I do? Who is Myfanwy Christmas? This is a mystery. Can anyone help me find out who Myfanwy Christmas is? Myfanwy Christmas came along as a DNA match in Ancestry to my husband, Stephen Bryant in December 2019 and she last signed in over a year ago. Myfanwy is 132cM match over 8 segments. DNA Painter Suggestions Ancestry Suggestions The people Myfanwy shares in Ancestry are on Stephen’s maternal side and part of this side also points to Stephen’s Welsh side (Richards and Morgans). Shared Ethnicity Myfanwy is a Welsh name. The things I have done to find her are: I messaged her three times in February 2020 and November and December 2022 without success. I have searched on Google. I have searched on Facebook. I have searched on WikiTree. I have searched NSW BMD and Ryerson Indexes Any ideas please? And so it is Christmas and what can I do?